Australian Election Campaign Heats Up

If you are observing Australia, current events will probably be one of the areas that you will be interested in. And nothing is more current here than the upcoming national elections coming this August. And this one will certainly be a very important for a lot of immigrants as this will determine the future course of migration into the country.

For those not aware, the elections are to be held on August 21, where about 16 million people will head out to vote in the polling precincts. It should be noted that Australia is one of several countries that enforce compulsory voting to all eligible residents. The elections was called for by current Prime Minister Julia Gillard last July 17.

For the ruling Labor Party, it will be Gillard again, running in order to capitalize on her current popularity after ousting Kevin Rudd from the Prime Minister position. On the other hand, it will be Tony Abbott who will be seeking to return the Liberal Party to power. Between the two of them, there were several key issues that have become the key points of debate.

One of the most crucial of these points is all about immigration. As expected, the two opponents are greatly apart with regards to the issue of immigration. Gillard emphasizes that, while she intends to regulate the entry of immigrants into the country, she will not be pushing for immediate migration cuts. Abbott, meanwhile, is adamant that an immediate decrease in immigration intake is necessary to address the country's current population problems.

On the other hand, both have agreed that a solution needed to be implemented for the large number of refugees arriving in the country. However, while Gillard is opting to propose establishing refugee detention centers on nearby countries for refugee processing, Abbott is pushing ahead with reviving the so called “Pacific solution” which involves much stricter regulations of refugee entry. But both agreed that a harsher move is needed to take down human smugglers who prey on these asylum seekers.

Another point of contention between the two contending parties is with regards to the things that needs to be done int the economy. Both groups noted that the Australian economy is still pretty much in a good condition, as it experienced a significant amount of growth in recent years. However, they stressed that a lot is still needed to be done in order to keep it in its current state.

With the election only a few days away, observers that the campaign trail is likely to heat up more. And with that, they Australian public will hopefully find out the right one to vote for.

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