Court Rules In Favor Of refugees

A lot of people know that getting an Australian visa is not that easy. This is more so true for those who are facing dire situations, such as refugees. Thus a lot of them would often brave even harder conditions just to be able to Australia.

However, many people already know how strict Australia's border protection laws are. Under these laws, refugees who are caught by the Border Security Group entering the country without proper documentation will automatically be sent to to the various immigration centers around the country, where they will be detained, while they wait for their cases to be heard.

Unfortunately for those detained in the centers, the processing is somewhat slow, mainly due to the number of asylum seekers that needs to be accounted for. And since more and more are coming in every month, the centers have started to get overcrowded. And this had led to uneasiness on the refugees' part.

In fact, several incidents have marred the situation in the centers in the past few months. The latest incidents occurred last September in the centers of Darwin and Villawood. Here, several detainees broke out of their holding rooms and protested what they claimed to be unfair detention, while the riots were eventually quelled by authorities, the situations highlighted the current problem that the country has with regards to asylum seekers.

And while there are asylum seekers who have protested, there are also groups of refugees who have taken the matter to court. And it seems that there might still be hopes for all of those detained in the centers. As it is, the Australian High recently ruled in favor of two asylum seekers with regards to their detention in the centers.

The two Sri Lankans, through their lawyers, have earlier filed a petition questioning the legality of them being detained in the Christmas Island offshore processing center without prior investigation. The court said that there are visible signs of unfair judgement on the part of immigration officials who refused to review their asylum requests.

The decision have cast doubt on the seemingly differing standards the the immigration departments when it comes refugees. Concerned groups have earlier pointed out that those refugees arriving via plane are actually given the chance to appeal their request for asylum. On the other hand, those coming through undocumented boats are immediately sent to the detention centers.

Supporters of the refugees were highly appreciative of the decision. They said that this will likely affect the way asylum seekers will be handled in the future, leading to easier lives for all of them. 


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