Australian Multiculturalism Becoming A Hot Issue

For Australia, culture is probably one of the most important aspects of its national identity. Indeed, the unique Australian culture is what sets it apart from other countries. One of perhaps the most defining aspect of Australian culture is its emphasis on the idea of multiculturalism.

Being a perennial destination for many people around the globe, Australia has long been considered a hodgepodge of cultures. Ever since its early years, the county's predominantly English culture has seamlessly assimilated elements of the local Aboriginal way of life into its fold. And the major events of the 20th and early 21st centuries has since brought a multitude of other people and culture.

Thus it is not surprising that the land down under is very welcoming of other cultures. In fact, it does put much emphasis on multiculturalism being an integral part of the Australian way of life. Here, multiculturalism runs into almost every aspect, from food, to clothes, to even the kinds of recreational activities that Australians love to try out.

However, while this present an idealistic picture, there is still a lot more of issues that the country has to deal with in order to fully espoused multiculturalism. And it recent years, the issues have grown such that the country is now hard pressed to solve them before moving on.

One of these issues deals with how multiculturalism is, ironically, supposed to be destroying Australia's national identity. According to the supporters of the argument, while Australia do encourage multiculturalism, there is still a set of core values that would set it apart from other countries. However, due to the rapid assimilation of other culture, they pointed out, these values are actually starting to be eroded away.

This issue has been closely associated with that of immigration. Supporters argue that Australia's rather lax attitude in welcoming immigrants is the one to blame for the perceived erosion of the country's fundamental values. Thus, they have urged the country's government to put a much tighter control on migration.

However, multiculturalism supporters are quick to allay this fear. They point out that multiculturalism has itself always been part of the nation's core values. They also said that the country owes much of its current status on its willingness to harmoniously coexist with with other cultures. Thus, according to them, limiting this one now would certainly sent out a negative message about the country.

The issue has now become one of the most hotly debated topics in the country. And its resolution will certainly have a significant effect to the country as a whole.

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